





Consultancy, Monitoring and Risk Assessment in the field of Occupational Hygiene including:
Hazardous Substances (gases, solvent vapours, dusts, bacteria, fungi)
Indoor Air Quality
Asbestos (Registers and Analysis), SMF
Occupational and Environmental Noise
Investigation of Occupational Health related complaints and symptoms

Hazardous Substances
Risk Assessment
General Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Hygiene

Project Management
Asbestos Removal
Removal, containment of hazardous substances
Contaminated soil testing

Property Compliance Auditing
Occupational health and Safety
Hazardous Materials / Registers
Essential Services
Building Maintenance & Condition

General Services
Dust and silica analysis
Heavy metal analysis
Water quality, potability testing
Legionella, microbiological testing
Solvents and pesticides assessments
Fumes, vapour and gas monitoring and analyses
High volume dust sampling & analysis

Brief summary of company’s capabilities and focus:
Safe Services Pty Ltd is strongly focussed toward Occupational Health consultancy which may include risk assessment, chemical/noise/biological monitoring, asbestos removal and management, interpretation of results and the provision of practicable recommendations/solutions for employers (industrial and commercial). Training in specific specialist areas is also offered.

Property Compliance Auditing in the area of Occupational Health and Safety legislative requirements and building fabric condition. Results of auditing may provide a register with recommended priority actions and budgetary repair/rectification costs.


Safe Services Pty Ltd

PO Box 131


South Australia  5076

Phone: (08) 8337 2322

Fax:  (08) 8337 2322

E-mail: Enquiries at

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